Clipping: Interview of the president of IFPUG with Noémie André

Late last year, the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) conducted an interview between Christine Green, president of IFPUG, and Noémie André, certified professional in Function Point Analysis (APF) expert level. The main intention of...

Scrum 2020 Guide: 03 changes with the new version

You'll understand how Scrum meetings affect Function Point Analysis in size measurement and approximation applications in Agile development.

Reduce the time-to-market of business initiatives in a strategy-aligned flow

One of the largest banks in Brazil has undergone a profound restructuring in its flow in the development of systems. A gateway has been established at the point where a business idea queues for...

What’s the relationship between SNAP and APF

What SNAP is, how the problem it solves is addressed by other alternatives, and how it relates to APF in software management.

CFPS – What is The Role Point Specialist Certification

What is IFPUG's Function Point Specialist Certification (CFPS), what are the requirements to obtain it, what is its validity and how to keep it up to date.