CPM Download – APF Manual – Counting PracticeS Manual

For you to download with the PDF of the Manual of Counting Practices (CPM) free of charge, you must be affiliated with IFPUG. Just go to the IFPUG online store, select the item corresponding to the release and the desired language. The most current release is 4.3.1 and there is a Portuguese. The process is quite intuitive and follows the typical flow of an e-commerce.

If you are not affiliated with IFPUG, then the same product will cost you $100. However, it is worth consulting whether the company in which you work or the university you are studying is not corporately affiliated with IFPUG. This is because it allows you to distribute a copy of the CPM to you even if you are not individually affiliated.

Unfortunately, the Manual of Counting Practices is not publicly accessible and free of charge, since it makes it a little difficult to spread the function point technique. Organisations responsible for other functional measurement methods such as Mark II (UKSMA) and COSMIC provide free access to their manuals.

The original version of the IFPUG manual is in English. Versions in other languages are also available: Spanish, Italian, French, Korean, Chinese and also in Portuguese.

A reference to counting practices in public administration is the SISP V2.3 Software Metrics Roadmap.